Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

A fool is someone who has denied or forgotten God. Reference Psalm 13:1 “ Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?”    ~ Fr. Matt


    ~ Fr. Matt

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

In 1818 a king of a Pacific island converted to Christianity. Some of his subjects were not too happy organizing a coup d’état. The king rounded up his opponents and incarcerated them. They thought they were to die. The king released them to a banquet of food and drink. The rebels were astonished and because of this magnanimous gesture also embraced the faith. Every time we celebrate the Eucharist we are expanding God’s kingdom to all.    ~ Fr. Matt





Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Following Jesus and being of service in his name requires refueling. Without the fuel of prayer and contemplation before the Blessed Sacrament our service can become a cranky , crushing burden. May we find both prayer and work an invitation from God.    ~ Fr. Matt



Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Why did Jesus institute the Eucharist?  1) to perpetuate his human presence among men and women 2) to perpetuate his redemptive sacrifice, an act of love 3) to unite himself in intimate communion with us to be our spiritual food and drink.  ~ Fr. Matt