Isaiah the prophet reminds us that living is a series of passages namely youth to old age, fool hardy daring to experienced risk taking, failure to repentance, death to life.   ~ Fr. Matt





Fourth Sunday of Lent

It’s never easy to admit guilt. When we realize that we have a loving Father waiting for us it makes the experience shorter and easier. The gift of repentance brings us freedom and love.

~ Fr. Matt                                                                    



Third Sunday in Lent

Thomas Merton wrote that we are not converted only once in our lives, but many times; and this endless series of large and small conversions, inner revolutions, leads to our transformation in Christ. We may have the capacity and desire to undergo this a few times in life. However if we don’t continue to embrace these conversions we will never be free.        ~ Fr. Matt


Second Sunday in Lent

As Peter, James, and John listened, learned,  and remembered this epiphanic event that we too might follow Jesus’ path from death to life where we will be transformed by the power of God’s love.  ~ Fr. Matt