Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

A young scholar asked his tailor if he knew the difference between Urim and thummin.  The tailor appropriately answered “lights” and “perfection” describing a device the high priest used to determine the will of God.  The scholarly fellow was dismayed as he was trying to show off.  The tailor continued that he changed a few letters in the two words to USIN’ & THUMBIN’.  Those who familiarize themselves with the scriptures find God’s mind, ways, and will.        ~ Fr. Matt


Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung had a plaque in his officed inscribed with “Call or not – God is present.”  We live in a topsy turvy world.  May we be reminded that God is with us in Sacraments, events, and people.  Let us be embraced by him in our peace and panic.             ~ Fr. Matt