Sixteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time

Without the fuel of prayer, service can be a crushing responsibility.  Martha and Mary remind us we need the silence and communion with God so that doing things for others do not become an annoyed grumbling instead of a vocation or calling from God.  Let us go forth imitating the example of Martha and Mary so as to experience the fulfillment of our humanity.          ~ Fr. Matt


Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Who is my neighbor?  The claims of the needy and suffering, the claims of the mistreated and marginalized, these claims affirm our identity…you are the neighbor!    ~ Fr. Matt



Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Getting ready for a trip to unknown lands cause us to look for the experts.  Travel agents, tours, books, etc.  Jesus gives us some traveling tips for our ministry.  We must be attentive to the needs of those seeking healing, peace, and the good news of salvation.     ~ Fr. Matt



Thirteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time

Ministry has a Divine Head (God) and clay feet (humans).  We have to be representative of justice and fidelity to God.  When Elijah casts his cloak on his apprentice Elisha there is a sense of ownership and responsibility to the call of ministry.              ~ Fr. Matt