First Sunday of Advent
“Be watchful! Be alert!” are the first words with which Mark greets us at the beginning of this new year of the church. They are also the last words spoken by Jesus in Mark’s gospel (Mark 13:37) before the vortex of violence begins to suck Jesus into the passion and death that he will conquer by his resurrection. So even as we begin Advent, we are reminded we are reminded of the paschal mystery of Christ, the hub of the liturgical year.
Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
It is a bold thing to identify with Christ, Self-sacrifice, love of the other, and service are central to the identity of a Christian. How mortally dangerous it is, then, to call oneself Christian, to claim the role of disciple, without performing the required actions. It would be better not to claim the title at all. The will of God is caring for the poor and for the stranger. There are not merely kind acts, but the basis of salvation, for Christian and non-Christian alike. Let us keep before us the awesome call and responsibility to express our faith in action, not merely in words.
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today’s parable can move us to action, investing ourselves more fully in the Christian life. And for the Gospel of Matthew that means service of others, especially the less fortunate. Though there can be freeloaders, contributing little to no effort of their own, the parable today reminds us that there will come a time when God will take stock of each person’s efforts. May this gospel motivate us to continue serving without counting the cost, investing fully of ourselves and our talents. When there is an accounting, we want to hear the words, “Come, share your master’s joy.”
Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
The parable we read today should be a clarion call to “be prepared” for the coming of Jesus at the end times. And even if we think the end times are far, far away, my own personal end (death) may come when I least expect it. Am I prepared for that? Such a question can clarify your own priorities and behaviors. Jesus reminds us that the fools are the ones who were not prepared for the coming of the master. Let us be like the wise ones, attentive to the coming of the Lord, for we know now when that day might be.