First Sunday of Lent

Luke assures us that the temptation in the desert was just the first skirmish of a protracted battle with evil. The devil would try many times to lure Jesus from his mission and weaken his resolve. May we follow his path through quiet reflection in prayer and receive Divine strength.     ~ Fr. Matt        





Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Forgiveness is a freeing gift. It asks us to go beyond the bad behavior. Forgiveness frees us from harboring revenge, anger, grudges. Comments like I told you so, you’ll never change, or there you go again are opposed to true forgiveness.             ~ Fr. Matt






Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

The call of salvation is extended to all people. Salvation that began with Jesus continues on in the church. Prayer is as elemental to the faithful as breathing. Sinners, the poor, the sick, the lost, the disenfranchised, and all the others in need are preferred by God. We are called to rehabilitate humanity in the image and likeness of God.           ~ Fr. Matt