Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity

We are not only commemorating a doctrine of our God, but we are celebrating a communion of Divine Persons who have willed us into being, redeemed us from ourselves, and call us each day to a fuller experience, deeper knowledge, and closer union.    ~ Fr. Matt



Pentecost Sunday

The Tower of Babel accentuated the arrogance of men and women, creating a world without God.  Let us not allow our sinfulness and selfishness contaminate Pentecost which emphasizes our ministry of peace and pardon in Jesus’s name.               ~ Fr. Matt



Seventh Sunday of Easter

Our lives are found in the physical.  Should we make a trip to search for the upper room in Jerusalem?  What about the Upper Room where we encounter Jesus with regularity? During the pandemic we desperately long for the Eucharist.  Even with this emptiness we locate and create and Upper Room in which we daily meet the Lord.      ~ Fr. Matt



Sixth Sunday of Easter

Hope is an orientation of the spirit.  Hope transcends the present moment and is anchored beyond the horizons we can see.  Hope does not associate itself with joy, predicting the ultimate victory we long for.  Hope is working for something that is worthwhile, not that it will necessarily be a success.        ~ Fr. Matt