Epiphany of the Lord

When we place the Magi in our Christmas crib, the truth that their visit declares and the symbolism that their presence in the crib proclaims is the gospel truth that Jesus is king for all the nations of the earth. This is what we pray for in the words of the responsorial Psalm 72: the establishment of God’s kingdom of justice and peace throughout the world so that the rights of the poor and helpless are respected and the cries of the needy are answered.


Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

Every family whether gifted with many children or none or one, has a role to play in God’s dramatic story of salvation and share in the miraculous gift of hope children represent. Each child has been willed by God to serve a unique purpose. May and Joseph were “amazed at what was said about” Jesus, for he was the fulfillment of all hopes. But in the reality of the Holy Family, we see the miraculous nature of every child and every family reflected.


Fourth Sunday of Advent

As we light the last of the four candles of our Advent wreath, it is up to us, disciples of the Light of the world, to catch fire from Christ’s mystery and bring something of this fire and light into our own lives and, especially, into the lives of those for whom Christmas may not be a feast of joy but a time of darkness. May the fire we catch from Christ be our readiness to be consumed like him in the flame of loving service of our sisters and brothers.


Second Sunday of Advent

The Liturgy of the Word puts the adult John before us today and next Sunday to block our view of “baby Jesus”, and so remind us that the Advent-Christmas mystery is less about the child and more about the adult Coming One and the mystery of his life, death, and resurrection that he offers to us as our own mystery. We are called to make our way down to the Jordan with the hopeful and curious crowds to see this wilderness man.