First Sunday of Advent

What are we awaiting this Advent?  Why are we to be alert?  Every three years, this reading begins our liturgical year, challenging us to prepare the coming of Christ.  Until the flood came, people continued going about their lives as usual.  Only Noah’s family was saved.  At the Second Coming, those who have been alert to the Lord in their lives will be taken.  Those who have fallen asleep to God’s desires will be left.  With Advent hope, we use this liturgical season to turn our hearts to the Lord.

Thirty Third Sunday In Ordinary Time

Today we will hear of horrifying signs, that may portend the end of the world: earthquake and famines, wars and persecutions.  Even though these warnings were given two thousand years ago or more and the world has not yet ended, they can still spur us to action now.  As we celebrate Mass today, let us look at our lives and consider what we should change and then resolve to do so.


Thirty Second Sunday In Ordinary Time

As the liturgical year nears its end, the readings reflect more on the life to come.  In answering the query, Jesus points out that our earthly attachments are not our focus in heaven.  When we reach the next life, nothing will be as it is this world, where people live and die and marry and are given in marriage.  There, the focus will be on God.