Fourth Sunday of Easter

Three weeks ago, at Easter Sunday Mass, the Church led us to renew our baptismal promises. We prepared for this renewal by forty days of Lenten penance through almsgiving, prayer, and fasting (see Mt 6:3, 6, 17). The Lord wants these baptismal promises to be the center of our year and the foundation of our life in Him.

How aware (see Rm 6:3) are you of having renewed your baptismal promises three weeks ago? Have you turned off the TV and set down your phone after remembering you had rejected all of Satan’s empty promises? Have you decided not to buy something because you had rejected all of Satan’s works? When you are tempted to be manipulated by fear, do you resist because you believe God is your Father? (see Is 41:13) Has your faith in Jesus’ lordship affected your decision-making? Has your belief in the Holy Spirit noticeably affected your lifestyle?

On Easter Sunday, when we renewed our baptismal promises, we repented from all our sins, accepted Jesus as Savior, Lord, and God, sold all that we had to enter God’s kingdom (Mt 13:44-46), and surrendered our lives to the Holy Spirit. Now we must keep and apply the promises we’ve made.