Second Sunday of Lent

In the Gospel today, we hear the story of the Transfiguration, where Jesus revealed His glory to Peter, James, and John. A few days prior to this event, Jesus had predicted His Passion. He gave His disciples this revelation of glory to give them strength on the journey they would undertake.

The Transfiguration gives us courage, too. As we face hardships in our lives, we know the end of the story. It may not always be easy for us to be faithful to the Lord, but we know that there will be a peace and strength that the Lord will give us, even in this valley of tears.

Even now, we are being transfigured, transformed by the Spirit Who is at work in us, preparing us for eternal life. The Transfiguration is an exhortation to be courageous. We will have our own cross, our own Calvary. We know that the glory that is prepared for us will far surpass any of this. The hope of eternal life can never be extinguished.